On Location: Provence


As we leave behind the languid days of summer and step into autumn, we felt sharing this last kiss of summer inspiration was the best way to bid au revior to the sun filled days and balmy nights we adore. Aix-en-Provence is a centuries old countryside town nestled in the southwest of France, home to the artist Cézanne, and filled with quaint cafes, moss covered fountains, and flower filled pea-gravel gardens.


Heading to Aix with the intent to work, I instead found myself sipping cold rose, roaming flower markets, and journaling amongst the buzz of a French provincial Saturday afternoon - finding inspiration in not only the beautiful surroundings, but the pace of life in this ancient town as well.


While the hustle culture of now is continually propelling us forward, urging us to do more, create more, make more - in this place, simplicity felt more powerful (and appealing) than ever. While (personally) success will never stop being attractive, I think there is something to be said for focusing on few things and doing them exceptionally well, rather than doing many things mediocre.


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

– Leonardo da Vinci


Moving into this new season, let’s ask ourselves - what is essential? What is truly moving the needle? What do I do that brings me joy in my business? What can I let go?

And instead of pressuring ourselves to do all the things, grant ourselves grace, remove the facade of the business owner that can do it all, and acknowledge that we cannot, and should not, feel the need to do so.


Meet the Founder: Maya Pezzente